Membership Information

League Membership Information

Membership Requirements

  • Be at least 18 years of age
  • Have signed the CBRD Code of Conduct within the calendar year (see below)
  • Abide by all relevant CBRD and MRDA policies
  • Pay membership dues and fees as determined by the Dues & Program Fees Policy

Membership Types 

Full Members: Only full members in good standing are eligible to:

  • participate in MRDA-sanctioned gameplay or CBRD home games as a rostered skater
  • be nominated for a Board of Directors position
  • cast votes for Board of Directors elections or league business 

Support Members: Support members in good standing are eligible to:

  • participate in MRDA sanctioned gameplay or CBRD home games and scrimmages as coaches, officials, and/or support staff only
  • cast votes for Board of Directors elections or League business 

Dues & Program Fees Policy

League dues are due at the beginning of each month. If you need assistance, contact the treasurer at [email protected] 

  • Full Members: $50/month
  • Full Members / Dual Charter: $35/month
  • Full Members – Remote: $25/month
  • Full Members / Dual Charter – Remote: $15/month
  • Support Members: $10/month

Dual Charter: applies to members who are also members of other leagues. 

Remote Discount: To qualify, a member must live at least 3hrs from Happy Wheels. 

Not yet on a roster? Members not yet on a roster can pay the Support Member dues while still participating in practices. 

    Joining Casco Bay Roller Derby

    Joining Casco Bay Roller Derby starts by submitting a formal letter of intent to the CBRD board: [email protected] . This letter should include your intent regarding membership status (full member, support member, official, etc.), a brief of your roller derby history, and any additional information the league should know about you (desire to play competitively, challenges to meet attendance requirements, health conditions, etc.). 

    Dual Membership and/or Transfer Membership

    If you are already a member of another league, or transferring from a league, we will also ask that you provide a letter of good standing from your current or prior league’s Board of Directors or other ruling body. Further, if you plan to participate as a skater, we also ask for a letter from your league’s training committee indicating at what level you are cleared to participate (e.g., non-contact, contact, scrimmage, interleague play). These letters can be provided directly to CBRD at [email protected]

    If you are unable or unwilling to provide these references, please explain within your letter of intent. 

    No Current League or New Members

    If you have never been a member of a roller derby league, or have not been a member of a league for a while, we ask that you participate in at least three practices and volunteer at one event before proceeding with the registration steps below. 


    To join as a skater, you will need WFTDi insurance:

    The cost of insurance is $75/year and has to be maintained and tracked by the league. If your insurance is not current, you will not be allowed to put on skates at any CBRD event or practice.

    MRDA Registration 

    The next step in the process for joining Casco Bay Roller Derby is to register on the Men’s Roller Derby Association website. To do this, visit and choose “Create an Account” and follow the steps. When you get the League Information, choose “I’m Joining a League.” Then, from the drop-down menu, choose “Casco Bay Roller Derby.”

    To complete the registration, you will need to confirm you will abide by the MRDA’s code of conduct and non-compete. This agreement must be signed annually and is required to be part of any CBRD league communication. 

    After your registration is complete, one of our MRDA representatives will approve your membership. 

    Casco Bay Roller Derby Code of Conduct

    As a member, you are required to acknowledge our league Code of Conduct, annually. This document was drafted to explain the behavior expected of our members in accordance with our mission and vision. Violation of our CoC can result in expulsion from the league and events. 

    You can find the Code of Conduct and acknowledge it here:


    Facebook Groups

    Our community group is a closed group of friends and members to discuss anything not protected by our non-disclosure. You can request access directly, but will need to be approved to join. Membership is not required. 

    Our business page is closed to members only. You have to be invited to join. Any member can provide you with an invitation, but an admin must approve. The information discussed on our business page is protected by the non-disclosure portion of MRDA’s CCNC. 


    Most members communicate with each over the Facebook pages and Messenger. However, we also share information through Slack for those who do not use Facebook: 

    Playing for Casco Bay Roller Derby

    Home Teams

    Casco Bay Roller Derby currently has two home teams: the Marauders and the Rumrunners. Any Full Member who is considered safe to participate can join the home teams. Home team membership is managed by the home team captains and the head of training. All eligible and interested CBRD members will be considered for rostering. 

    Travel Teams

    Casco Bay has two travel teams: 

    • Our A-Team “All Stars” is our competitive team comprised of select skaters who travel to compete in MRDA rankings. 
    • Our B-Team, while eligible for MRDA rankings, will often compete in unsanctioned games. For example, against WFTDA leagues and recreational leagues. 

    To be placed on a travel team charter, the training committee and travel team captains will review all eligible skaters’ skills and the objective for upcoming events. For example, prior to an important tournament that will affect rankings, the goal will be to build the most competitive roster. However, sometimes the objective of an event is geared towards learning or building inter-league relationships. 

    A team charter is comprised of up to 20 skaters and, for sanctioned games, must be submitted at least 30 days prior. Just before the game, a game roster of only 15 skaters from that charter is submitted. Even though a skater may make it onto a team charter, they may not play in every game. 


    To remain eligible to be on a charter or roster, a member must attend 50% of the practices six weeks prior to the event. Once per month, a member may substitute a CBRD practice with that of another MRDA league or WFTDA league. 

    Members are also expected to volunteer to help the welfare of the league. This could mean volunteering to help at an event, participating in a committee, or holding a permanent role like a board member. 

    A member must also be in good standing for 30 days before being eligible to play in any game (travel or home team). This applies to return from injury or any other leave of absence. 

    Lastly, eligibility is determined by the board of directors who are responsible for ensuring members are in good standing with the MRDA and CBRD code of conduct, have valid insurance, are up to date on dues, meet attendance and job requirements, and meet the safety expectations of the league.

    Board of Directors

    The CBRD Board of Directors is elected in November and holds office for a calendar year. Members are encouraged to contact their board members directly through Facebook or Slack, as a group through the [email protected] email, or anonymously through another member. 

    The 2024 CBRD Board

    League President: Mooose (Brian Senesac)

    • Vice President: muffin (Danie Fortin)
    • Secretary: Tiny Dancer (William Brown)
    • Treasurer: Slash (David Sickorez) 
    • Director of Events: Mad Dog (Azura Meadows)
    • Director of Training: Pickering / Smite (Taylor Pickering)